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This pandemic is affecting the health of our friends, our community, and our customers. We live in uncertain times with lots of unknowns.

For businesses, this has meant an “unprecedented, almost-total disappearance of all channels” of face-to-face, and in person, communication and sales.

We know that a key factor in helping your business thrive in this new world is to strengthen your digital marketing and communication channels. 

Check out our video, "10 Ideas to Help Your Business Thrive Online in a COVID-19 World" and get some inspiration.

More than that, we’re here to help you to inform and reassure your customers online.


Our COVID-19 precautions for production:

The majority of our work has already moved to a remote model. So while many businesses are struggling to quickly adapt to a virtual working environment, we have so far been able to continue working without interruption.

Until such time as it's been advised otherwise, our team is prepared to fulfill the production needs of our clients while adhering to safety protocols outlined by the Canadian Ministry of Health, as well as our Provincial and Municipal Health and Safety Ministers.

Additional precautionary measures for any

on-set production will include:

Crew sizes and the number of other participants will be kept to a minimum.

Crews will refrain from hand-shakes and other forms of physical contact, keeping a minimum distance of 2m whenever possible.

At times when this distance is not possible, breathing masks will be worn by at least one of the parties when available.

Anti-bacterial wipes and hand sanitizers will be provided to all crew members. Regular hand washing will be encouraged if possible on site.

Camera equipment and media devices will be wiped down with anti-bacterial solution before and after exchanging hands.

If multiple crew members are to handle any one item they will be encouraged to wear sterile gloves.

Only factory-packaged snacks such as granola and energy bars will be provided in lieu of hot prepared food on set, as well as bottled water.

All participants will be encouraged to take their meals and breaks outdoors frequently and away from ventilation units.

We will ensure that rooms get fresh air circulation continuously and as frequently as possible throughout the day.

A dedicated crew member will be responsible for ensuring that surfaces are properly wiped down, for disposing of soiled materials, and for monitoring ventilation conditions on set.

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