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Video Marketing Weekly | Issue #4

Video Marketing Weekly is a curated playlist of video production and marketing content to help you discover new possibilities, hone your craft, and share your story.


"Your best viewers (the ones that are going to convert into leads or sales) want more detailed content."

~Lance Johnson


Since it's release there has been nothing but good things said, and tons of excitement. This camera, along with it's little brother, the FS5, are a dream package for me. So, for those in the market, here are some reviews to help you decide and learn what you need to know before buying: Phillip Bloom, Planet5D, Videomaker, and Pro-Video Coalition.


Story is everything, and It is really what your audiences are going to respond to.


Since we are on the subject of the story, Robert Rose offers a really interesting strategy for content marketing, which should include video of course, that follows the "Hero's Journey."


The general rule when producing videos is that 60 seconds is that sweat spot. The common reason given is that people's attention spans are too short these days. I have also heard that excuse given against businesses and designers having concern for their story. While this article does not take on the fallacy that stories have to be long-winded, it certainly stacks the facts against this video myth.


These are 7 really great practices when planning your video production and marketing campaign. Since video is stronger than text-based content, and not to mention the learning curve is longer, these practices are important to learn early on.


Greg Jarboe at ReelSeo reviews 12 slides from Mary Meeker's 2015 Internet Trends Report that are most important to Video Marketers. An interesting take away I found is the growing trend vertical viewing, and that "full screen vertical video ads on Snapchat have a higher completion." Neat.


Here are some videos I though you might like:


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