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Video Marketing Weekly | Issue #5

Video Marketing Weekly is a curated playlist of video production and marketing content to help you discover new possibilities, hone your craft, and share your story.

Alright, so it's been more than a week since my last issue. Actually more like a couple of months. Let's say business has been good! So, it only seems fitting to share some tips in managing your video content schedule:


"Scheduling videos allows marketers to set and forget video series release dates and ensure videos publish at a specific time."

That's pretty important work-flow stuff there, especially when your busy throughout your production pipeline. This article covers Brightcove's "Sunrise" and "Sunset" feature, and provides some helpful tips along the way regardless of your platform of choice.

But, the feature is not unique, as YouTube, Facebook, and Vidyard have similar features. Sadly, I haven't found a similar feature in Wistia (But, I may be wrong).

If you are a Wistia user, or you are using another video marketing platform that does not have this feature, an alternative route might be in using your platform with other services such as Hootsuite that will post date your videos unique link, which is only accessible when shared or embedded anyways.

Another option may be in Buffer, which looks like the best option for those spread out over multiple social media platforms and clients. Not only does this application allow you to upload a single video and have it fit natively into all your key social media sites, but also track the manage the analytics.

What do you do? Got any tips worth sharing?


15 Tips for Creating Video Content That Converts

This is why we are creating videos for our clients right? Typically, video is thought of as viral or commercial content, but, the most important videos for your business are the ones that help people connect with your brand, learn, and engage with common topics as they move through the "Sales Funnel," "Marketing Funnel," "Pipeline," "Buyer's Journey," or however you wish to describe the flow from awareness to purchase.

Number 6 calls this pre-packaged video, or "customer service." I would call it making your website and business more human online. This is like having a hostess at the front counter, who greets your customers, shows them to to their seats, and provides them with menus.


Who doesn't like helpful guides? And, who doesn't like making things more personal and meaningful with your audience?

In today's market of "competing messages and naturally low attention spans," a personalized video is a step towards overcoming that problem in a meaningful way through "strategically placed personal elements such as names that are specific to your client/audience/viewer."

That's pretty powerful stuff. Vidyard offers a helpful guide to give you a leg up on this strategy and what they have learned from their experience. This is what the guide offers:

  • Uncover the root causes of attention scarcity

  • Explore individualization and 2016’s content revolution

  • See a live personalized video campaign and its results

  • Discover 5 ideas for your own personalized video campaign


I am a huge fan of Vimeo, and it has become the place for filmmakers and video creatives to host and share their content and portfolios.

Combining their high-quality player with rich marketing features, such as email subscriptions, will only help creative professionals and other businesses grow.

That's a win for Vimeo, and worth considering.


Think of conflict as a question in the minds of your audience/customer, and by embracing that, you are positioning your product/service/organization as the answer. How do you get from the question to the answer, well, that's the story. Check out the video.


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